For many, finances determine opportunity, especially while at university. We hope to provide access for choral and organ scholars from varied backgrounds, regardless of their economic circumstances. All of this work requires financial stability and long-term investment, and this is why we need your help! Your donation will enable us to:
There are a number of ways to get involved (see below), making a regular donation through our patronage schemes . If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with Thank you so much for your support.
promote exciting British choral music and its performers through a regular series of concerts, recordings, tours and broadcasts
provide financial support for young student singers, ensuring that finance is never a barrier to accessing high-quality music making
support communities and schools through the establishment of our choral mentorship scheme, offering the chance for school-aged children to work with our young professionals
Supporter's Plans
Friends of Luceat (single year)
55£ÂOne-offValid for one year- Regular updates of choir news and activities
- Priority booking
- Reserved seating
- Reduced ticket prices on selected concerts
- Invitations to exclusive events for Friends
Supporters of Luceat
125£Every yearSubscriptionÂ- Regular updates of choir news and activities
- Priority booking
- Reserved seating
- Reduced ticket prices on selected concerts
- Discounts on choir recordings
- Invitations to exclusive events for Friends
- Personal menion in programmes/marketing materials
- Access to exclusive media/behind the scenes
Patron of Luceat
400£Every yearSubscriptionÂ- All of the benefits of being a Supporter of the choir
- A complimentary copy of all new CDs recorded by the Choir
- Two complimentary tickets to all concerts
- Annual invitation to Evensong and drinks with Choir members
Luceat Luminaries (Subscription)
25£Every yearRecurringÂ- Regular updates of choir news
- Priority Booking
- Reserved seating
Friends of Luceat (Subscription)
55£Every yearRecurringÂ- Regular updates of choir news and activities
- Priority booking
- Reserved seating
- Reduced ticket prices on selected concerts
- Invitations to exclusive events for Friends
Luceat Luminaries (single year)
25£ÂOne-offValid for one year- Regular updates of choir news
- Priority Booking
- Reserved seating